Youth Leadership Program
The purpose of the Youth Leadership Program (YLP) is to raise the awareness of the complex human challenges and cultural requirements of leaders in 21st Century, and to train participants in selected leadership skills.
The program is typically offered during the winter and summer school recess. The program includes: (1) English language improvement, (2) culture experience, and (3) leadership skills awareness and development. Students have opportunities to meet and interact with American students of similar age. In the training program students are asked to play different roles in a small group setting to learn about cooperation and collaboration skills with peers as well as to practice step-by-step critical inquiry techniques.

Critical Writing: Personal Essay Writing Topics
As part of the academic element of the YLP, students are required to write a personal essay in 500-750 words on one of the following topics after the program.
1. Evaluate a significant YLP experience, and its impact on you.
2. Discuss an issue that arose of the YLP – either online or while studying in Columbia – and explain why that issue is important to you.
3. Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on your decision either to study on the YLP or you have encountered while on the YLP.
4. Choose a topic on leadership. Discuss its importance and impact on you.
5. Evaluate any other aspect of the YLP that you have found important.
The essay will be assessed on the student’s level of analysis (as opposed to mere description), ability to organize and express ideas, and originality and command of English. The analysis and organizational criteria will each account for 40% of the final grade, the command of English will account for 20% of the final grade.

Following is a sample schedule for a 14-day program in east coast. IESC offers customized program schedule catering to different needs of our clients.

The program is highly interactive and it is taught in English (with minor translation to students who speak English as second language). Students who want to participate in the program should have sufficient English writing and reading skills. The program combines leadership courses with university campus visits, meeting with admission officers, and social-culture activities. Hence, the program is best suited for students who are interested in pursing US College in the near future.