Group Leader - To Give and To Learn
Date:2013-11-23 Author:Frances Wang From:IESC
As a Group Leader, it is my duty to take care of the students wholeheartedly. However, what struck me as the most impressive experience did not lie into that piece. Instead, being a group leader does not always mean “output”, but “input” as well, just as important. It is a brand new way of study, much better than sitting forever in the library and dozing off, probably.
Frankly, the purpose that the students came here was not to snooze on the bus and to be dropped off at unknown, but seemingly familiar places, as if they had fallen into the history textbook. They needed a REAL world that they felt connected with, instead of a fantasy. How to deliver such a world to them, then, became something that I had to thing hard about. I had to absorb knowledge as quickly and much as possible to cover their broad interest from earth to the heaven and therefore, I got 120% motivation to learn. When those letters in the book were finally transferred through my sharing into their understanding smiles, and their follow-up questions one after another, I knew I made it. Plain knowledge may be gone for good when exams are over, but the experience as a group leader will always live with me, vivid and colorful as it was.